He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.
Psalm 40:2

I would not be where I am today if not for my ROCK, Jesus Christ. He truly can bring you from the depths and set your feet upon a rock-HIM!

He has done it for me. He is what gets me through. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

119 on the waitlist

We are on the waitlist! #119 for a girl. Thanking, praising and glorifying God! Its been a journey. We filled out our application to adopt in December of last year. We worked to compile our homestudy documents and had 4 homevisits from our social worker(Maria from Illini Christian Ministries, who by the way is wonderful). AGCI (our adoption agency) approved it and the state of Illinois had to approve it also. Then we began getting together documents for our dossier and getting them notarized... and notarized and notarized...and notarized. Our agency approved and we were put on the waitlist. God has provided!

We are thinking possibly 18 months (estimate) until we get a referral, then more paperwork, more waiting, traveling to Ethiopia for the first time and meeting our daughter, coming home and waiting, then traveling to finally bring our little girl home. Thank you for praying for us, our daughter and birth parents/caregivers! Keep those prayers coming!

1 comment:

  1. hey there! found your blog from the agci listserve! y'all are right ahead of us on the girl list! would love to chat sometime! our blog is www.bobbittblessings.blogspot.com (:
